Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Spot the Difference...

She lives by the day.
He walks by the night.
She'll say "I'm Sorry",
He'll curse his heart out.
She'd wake up in the morning,
He'll be on his bed till noon.
She'd rather read novels,
He'd play computer games till the first ray of dawn.
She's lost among the crowds,
He's in the middle, no doubt.
She'd dance when no one is looking,
He'll be in Embassy, just chilling.
She's tamed,
He's experienced.
She can write in English.
He can speak it well.
She plans about her future,
He'd rather play it cool.
She'd text,
He would call.
She thinks he's right,
He thinks she's wrong.
She'd talk it out,
He'll go out of sight.
She likes boys.
He wants girls.
She's skeptical
He's a risk taker.
She's willing to wait.
He got no time to waste.
She's writing this blog,
He's with friends, having a night out.

It's not always the same magnet that pulls the opposite poles.
It's not always the same thrill that can sway this little girl.
Sometimes, "maybe this time" is sang out of tune.
Sometimes, a beginning is ended too soon.
Maybe She's out of his league.
Maybe He's way too sweet.
If one day they'll meet and settle this differences,
Maybe, they've already found someone else.

-April 28 2009, 9:26 am

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