Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Premature Eagle

She flew.
Ever so mightily across the golden setting of the sun.
Taking delight in the sound of ocean wave as she knew her day would soon come to an end.
She went back to her nest and tend to her little chicks.
She knew time will come and her chicks will soon spread it's wings across the blue sky.
But she knew the sky won't always be blue.
A Storm may pass.
Hunters are just waiting for a catch.
Even bigger birds are just looking for a prey.
The world is cruel and she would just want to keep her chicks in their nest.

She looked at her chicks longingly.
Dreading that final day that her nest will be empty of her chicks.
Fearing a moment that they must break their tiny wings in their first attempt to fly.
She fed them.
Covered them against the pouring rain and the raging of the sun.
She loved them with everything to give.

And the thought of their flight filled her with so much pride.
"they will conquer the sky, they will go to places I've never been.." she said.
She regaled at their future.
She took pride at the beauty of their wings, as they cross the horizon.

She knew her chicks would turn into an eagle themselves.
And with this in her mind, fear and anxiety embraced her.

Where would they go?
Would they find their way back to this nest, where I tended them as a my little ones?
Would they remember me along their journey?
Would they tell their friends about how I fight the vulture to keep them safe?
Would they endure the difficulty of being an eagle?
Would they love me back?

And her fear led to anger.
She became possessive of her little chicks.
She cried anxiously to them, neglecting their needs.
She froze in her fear for their hurt.

But the chicks sang her a song.
Through their little chirping.
They flapped their wings..
Making a rhythm of protest.
They rebel at her possessiveness..
They scream at the thought of their mother's denial..

The Eagle went outraged..
She threw her chicks away..
Closing her eyes as her chicks flapped helplessly.. longingly..
She turned deaf at their cries..

One of the chicks bravely tried and kept himself alive..
Healed his own broken wings.
Panting, breathing, surviving..

He will live.
Outlive them all.
And soon will be known to be one of the bravest hunter among eagles.

'Cause the memory of his falling kept him awake at night.
And the thought of his mother's denial made him tough..

The eagle, once filled with love..
Paints the heavens red..

For the love,
and fear,
and anxiety..
and hatred
and dreams,
and failures,
Of falling,
and standing up again.
Of hurt and pride,
of revenge and anger.

Time let him grow..

to be another eagle.. waiting for the setting of the sun..

-october 25 2008, 4:30 am

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