Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Walking Diary

If a diary could smile when I start my note with an endearment..

If a diary could hear the sweetness in my voice when I say, "dear diary.."

If a diary could hear my angry words and forget it.

If a diary won't wash away the ink when they taste my tear.

If a diary understands when the ink blots and I still couldn't get myself to write.

If a diary would keep a picture of my boy in its head, memorizing his face with just my words.

If a diary has an arm that consoles me.

Or has a feet that walks beside me.

But it doesn't. it wouldn't. and it couldn't.

So I guess I might say, YOU are better than any diary.

Because you light up when I start to blab with so much energy.

you try to keep up no matter how fast i talk.

you let me put my head on your shoulder when I can't find my tongue.

you know all the details and yet won't remind me if I don't want to.

you let yourself get wet with my tears.

you have arms that slap me, or push me, or nudge me.

you have feet that jump, or walk, or run with me.

you listen not just with your ear but with your heart.

Because you acknowledge my feelings, no matter how repetitive, or sorry it might be.

So maybe I won't be able to keep a diary.

I have journals with empty pages inside it,

but at least i know that I can keep you.

and there's no empty pages in our story.

So maybe I won't have to tear a page and burn it,

when my diary reminds me of things I'd rather forget.

but at least I can look at you, yeah that stare that says, "shut up!"

and you will keep your lips pursed until next time.

-January 2011

So maybe I won't hear my diary complaining.

When I'm busy outside just playing.

But at least I'll hear, "keep in touch!"

Or maybe I'll get some slap when I forgot.

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